Photograph of young boy on a horse with trainer
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2018 – thank you and goodbye!

Years, they always feel so fast! I want to slow things down a bit before I dive full force into the new one.


We made a movie! Watch it. It’s six minutes of joy.

Young boy wears costume made of cardboard


My photograph placed 4th in the international photography competition The Documentary Family Awards. Judged by some of my favorite photographers, this was an unbelievable honor.

Couple holding hands after preventative mastectomy


Hundreds of thousands of us around the country marched in support of gun control at the student led March for our Lives. Some of my photographs of the event were featured on the documentary photography blog, Fearless and Framed.

Students at the March for Our Lives Rally in downtown Los Angeles, CA


So many families and babies. I believe this little one had just come home from the hospital the day before.

Family With Young Toddler, Newborn, and Dog Sit On Couch in Living Room


My own little man turns six! I finally head my own advice and have another photographer come over and photograph it. Thank you, Tiffany!

Young Boy Blows Out Birthday Candles at Celebration


With the help of Jay Tanner and The Great Escape Club, and an amazing community of moms, I throw a very successful mini-session fundraiser with 100% if the proceeds going to The Florence Project, a non-profit providing legal aid and resources to immigrant families detained and separated at the border.

Family laughs together, Girls have parasols at The Great Escape Club in Atwater Village, Los Angeles, CA


For the first time, we spend the entire month back east with family. I find my photography always improves when I can focus on photographing my family, because I’m able to take more risks and try new things, and then those techniques can flow back into my client work.

Panning shot of a boy on a swing


From the cool and quiet of Vermont back to the hot streets of LA, this month was all about transitions.

Blueberries with dewFruits and vegetables at the Grand Central Market in downtown Los Angeles


We got a puppy! Chaos reigns. We’re all in love.

Puppy in the grass in Los Angeles, CA


We get to see a bit of fall and it’s glorious.

A chipmunk sits on a rock


The holiday card sprint – lots of work with families that I love! And a baby’s trip home from the hospital.

Girl on her tiptoes in her kitchen in Los Feliz, Los Angeles, CAA family prays over their newborn baby girl in Alhambra, CA


Launched my Personal Branding Photography packages, where I work with clients to create three months of daily visual content in one session. Also had the pleasure of documenting a family’s day at Disneyland, as well as other family work.

Hands in homemade bath salts in Glendale, CAA boy wears a darth vader mask while sitting in his stroller at Disneyland, Anaheim, CAThe epic final sunset of 2018, taken in Santa Monica. May 2019 bring you peace and happiness!

Sunset at the Annenberg Beach House, Santa Monica, CA[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]

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