Rachel Morrison and son

Blowing Seeds at Sunset

There’s something super special about being able to take pictures of the parent who is usually the photographer in the family. Capturing them playing with and loving on their spouse and kids. Making sure that they’ll have these family photographs to look back on. Rachel had told me that was the dynamic in her family. And silly me, not in the habit of googling my clients, I didn’t realize until after the shoot that she is the phenomenally talented cinematographer of such films as “Mudbound” (earning her an Oscar nomination) and “Black Panther”.  It truly was my honor to spend time with her beautiful family in and around their light filled home.

Boy points at window, in home session in Mount Washington, Los Angeles, CAA boy and his reflection in his home in Mount Washington, Los Angeles, CASmiling, laughing family photographBoy upside down in his mom's arms on their deck in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, CAMom and son on her shouldersA couple on their deck, Mt WashingtonLittle boy with hands on his mom's faceA game of peekabooFamily outside in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, CATwo moms and their son on a mountain in Los Angeles, CAMom and sonMom and son blow dandelion seeds in Mt Washington, Los Angeles, CA

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